Best Laid Plans, and the Universe Giggles…
Best laid plains for surgery, gone awry and equally is an opportunity to prepare spiritually and physically with the yogic philosophy, tools, in mind and heart.

Grit aint Always Great
I am healing the part of me, that wants to make her and who she is ‘wrong’. You know why? Because if she’s wrong, then I’m right. It’s a tactic that the ego relishes. Is it completely justified? Of course. But at what cost? Being deaf to divine guidance, my higher self and my guides? Is that worth it? Absolutely, not.

Finding Balance


If Somebody Don’ Like You
“Fair warning for those who believe that the yoga world is one that is safe from our baggage. It is not a place to escape to.. If we do not work on ourselves … then we bring our past with us wherever we go”

Sutures and Sutras
The sutras for me, Wendy, the owner of WYoga have been sutures for spiritual and psychological injuries.
What are the sutras? There are many sutras. Karma Sutras, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhakti sutras to name a few. Sutra means thread, in this case threads of wisdom. They are usually one line or two. The reason that the foundational texts for the sutras are, more often than not, lengthy is because the author waxes on about their unique view, translation of whichever ancient sutras they are writing about.
Needless to say, that as society evolves these translations or insights on the sutras change.

The Anxiety, the Stress vs. Svadyaya

Why are there so many Warrior Poses in Yoga?
It all begins with an idea.

Finding light in darkness
In EVERY human existence are unpleasant, challenging times… it is simply part of the deal of being human. We can transform these moments into jewels that transform us…. as it did WYoga.

Why Virtual/ Online Yoga can be Transformational
It all begins with an idea.

Life’s Splashes, Ripples, Undercurrents and yes… Stillness
It all begins with an idea.

The Angst of Making Mistakes, Om-nalysis….
It all begins with an idea.